Marinated pork patty without preservative (454G+-)


Member: $74.00

  • Product Code: 2069-3
  • Reward Points: 58
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: Marinated, pork patty, without preservative

Marinated Steam pork patty without preservative (454G+-)

Marinated pork patty without preservative is a healthy food with a crisp taste and slightly sweet taste. It uses horseshoe and pork as the main raw materials, and adds some seasonings and starches, which are processed.

The taste is light, with a touch of sweetness, the aroma is fresh and pleasant, and the taste is crisp and delicious. Horseshoe is rich in dietary fiber, which can increase satiety, help digestion and detoxification, while pork provides rich protein and vitamin B group, which helps maintain health and enhance physical strength.

Marinated pork patty without preservative is a delicious and healthy food, with a light and refreshing taste and aroma, and a crisp and delicious taste. It is rich in dietary fiber and rich in protein, and is a nutritious food.

Meat refrigeration temperature: -18°C or below

Buy with confidence

FOOD U MALL attaches great importance to food safety. In addition to obtaining ISO 22000, the entire delivery of goods also uses frozen express to ensure that the delivered food still maintains the highest quality.

Shipping Offers

Free delivery upon purchase of HK$600.00 (after discount) or above

​Under the purchase of HK$600.00, the shipping fee only needs to add HK$60.00

**Reminder: Remember to place orders early and early, because urgent orders need to be confirmed with customer service first, and an additional shipping fee of HK$80.00 or above is required, **

Delivery Service Process

After confirming the delivery time, it will take about 1-2 working days to arrive

Daily cut-off time: 10:00 am

*Customers can specify the delivery date when ordering. After receiving the order, the customer service staff will contact the customer at noon to confirm the delivery date and time to ensure that the food is delivered safely.